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Tag Archives: back pain

Acupuncture for Chronic Back Pain

Acupuncture for Chronic Back Pain

A Harris Poll released earlier this year found that approximately three out of ten U.S. adults currently suffer from chronic low back pain. To put it another way, that’s an estimated 72.3 million people! Common treatments usually include prescription medications which bring their own complications and side effects into the picture.Read the rest

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Treating Sciatica Pain with Acupuncture

Treating Sciatica Pain with Acupuncture

Anyone who has suffered from sciatic nerve pain can tell you it can be a very debilitating condition. It is typically caused by an impingement of the sciatic nerve in the lower back but the pain is actually felt radiating down the leg and in the buttock.Read the rest

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3 Acupressure Points for Low Back Pain

Statistics show that almost eight out of 10 people experience low back pain at some point during their life. Seeking medical treatment for back pain is very common. Typically back pain is fleeting and can be easily resolved with rest, heat and an occasional anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen.… Read the rest

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The Bladder in Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the bladder is one of the six yang organs, paired with one of the six yin organs. The yin organs store vital substances (such as Qi, blood, yin, and yang), whereas the yang organs are more active and have a function of constantly filling and emptying.… Read the rest

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