August 11,2015
Six months ago, I (an advocate of holistic and natural medicine) walked into Dr. Steve Gooding’s office with an open mind and a list of physical ailments. I had never visited an acupuncturist before but friends had shared their past positive experiences with me. Environmental allergies topped my list of ailments. I was sneezing, had itchy/watery eyes and a runny nose that first visit. Today, these symptoms rarely affect me, and I no longer take a daily allergy pill to attempt to rid myself of the inflammation. Another ailment affecting me was migraine headaches that plagued me weekly at times. Thanks to Dr. Gooding, it’s been months since I’ve had one. The ridding of these problems (and others) have improved my quality of life to such a huge extent that my outlook is much more positive, and I no longer devote time, energy and money to these ailments which is a blessing to not only me but my family and friends.
Sonja Perkins – Teacher, Braden River Middle School